Am avut ocazia şi onoarea să fiu invitată la masa rotundă organizată de Dr. Toader Septimiu şi Dr. Criste Berce - director cu ocazia împlinirii a 65 de ani de la înfiinţarea Centrului de Medicină Experimentală a Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie „Iuliu Haţieganu” Cluj-Napoca. Este o unitate modernă de cercetare, unde se efectuează cercetări experimentale conform normelor U.E, dar si sub stricta supraveghere şi îndrumare a celor doi medici. 

Le mulţumim pentru colaborarea cu Asociaţia Romană de Balneologie - Filia Cluj în vederea desfăşurării mai multor studii şi le dorim mult succes în continuare.​​​​

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Prin prezenta va invitam la Sesiunea Academica care va avea loc in zilele de 19-20 octombrie 2017, incepand cu ora 09,00 in cadrul Centrului National Clinic de Recuperare Neuropsihomotorie Copii "Dr. Nicolae Robanescu" din str. Dumitru Minca, nr. 44, sect. 4, Bucuresti. 
Pentru mai multe informatii vizitati site-ul nostru:

Cu stima,
Dr. Cristian Morcov

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Dear colleagues, it is our great pleasure to invite you at The International Seminar on Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine BioReMed 2017, in Timisoara, Romania, on 5-8 October 2017.

The conference will be organized by the Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, Faculty of Dentistry, in partnership with the Romanian Society of Biomaterials.

We feel that interdisciplinary cooperation is the pathway to evolution and would like to bring together scientists from the biomaterials and tissue engineering research field and clinicians from different areas of expertise that includes dentistry, orthopedics, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, cardiovascular surgery, general and aesthetic surgery, as well as pharmaceutical science.

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Dear Dr.Gabriela Dogaru

It is the first time in Europe that on scientific base cure and healing forests are developed and cultivated in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The Baltic Sea spa Heringsdorf has overtaken a pioneering role and already established a first indication-based spa and healing forest. During the First International Congress „Forest and its Potential for Health“ the forest treatments will be certified.

With the support of the European Spas Association we carry out in the Baltic Sea spa Heringsdorf in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, this international Congress, with renowned scientists and competent personalities from forest and tourism. Among other things, we will learn how to use the forests for the health like in Japan and Australia. 

With great pleasure we would like to welcome you on this First International Congress “Forest and its Potential for Health“ and to discuss this subject with you.

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