The 12th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Top rehabilitation specialists from across the world will join us to present the latest research and cutting edge techniques in our ever growing field. The scientific program will include hands-on workshops, lively debates and more in an unforgettable experience.  Scholarship application deadline: March 29, 2018  Early registration deadline: April 11, 2018

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European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

"This important scientific event is organized by the ESPRM and the Lithuanian Society of PRM (LPMFR) in cooperation with the UEMS-PRM Section and Board and the European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine.
The meeting will take place from 1 to 6 May 2018 at Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, and it will be the second European Congress organized in accordance with the new rules and regulations of ESPRM."

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Medical devices have become such a vital part of modern healthcare that practically no diagnosis or treatment is possible without them. According to the World Health Organization, there are about 1.5 million medical devices available today, ranging from low cost devices like the thermometer and stethoscope to expensive, highly sophisticated devices like MRI and chemotherapy machines. With the increasing complexity and connectivity of medical devices, the role of medical device software development is becoming more crucial. Medical bioengineers are important in many facets of engineering and science. Most medical devices require software to function. Developing and maintaining that software is an important job of the medical bioengineer. Software bioengineers are important in the clinical setting, developing systems that aid the clinician in medical records, patient diagnosis, patient monitoring, and clinical decision making.

Citește mai departe: Workshop Using New Technologies and Applications in Medical Bioengineering Education

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 Am avut ocazia şi onoarea să fiu invitată la masa rotundă organizată de Dr. Toader Septimiu şi Dr. Criste Berce - director cu ocazia împlinirii a 65 de ani de la înfiinţarea Centrului de Medicină Experimentală a Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie „Iuliu Haţieganu” Cluj-Napoca. Este o unitate modernă de cercetare, unde se efectuează cercetări experimentale conform normelor U.E, dar si sub stricta supraveghere şi îndrumare a celor doi medici. 

Le mulţumim pentru colaborarea cu Asociaţia Romană de Balneologie - Filia Cluj în vederea desfăşurării mai multor studii şi le dorim mult succes în continuare.​​​​

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