Natural therapeutic factors are widely used as an important adjuvant therapy in various cardiovascular andNatural therapeutic factors are widely used as an important adjuvant therapy in various cardiovascular andcerebrovascular disorders. The aim of this study was to assess the role of balneal therapy on oxidative stressparameters in experimental myocardial ischemia induced in rats. 5 groups of 8 rats were used as follow:group 1- control group; group 2 - group swimming in distilled water (DW); group 3- group with myocardialischemia (MI); group 4 - group with MI swimming in DW; group 5 - group with MI and swimming incarbonated mineral water (CMW). Myocardial ischemia was induced with Isoproterenol. The followingoxidative stress/antioxidant blood parameters were assessed for each animal: nitric oxide (NOx),malondialdechyde (MDA), total oxidative stress (TOS), catalase (CAT) and total ant oxidative capacity ofplasma (TAC). In group 5 all parameters assessed were significantly improved compared with group 3 and4. Carbonated mineral water can be used as an adjuvant therapy for improving oxidative stress/antioxidantstatus in patients with cardiac ischemia, in order to reduce the amplitude of ischemic lesions and tocontribute as a prophylactic therapy to a better quality of life for these patients. Continuing this research inhumans through clinical studies would be warranted.